Thursday, 4 September 2014

Media Debates

"Celebrities Have Too Much Influence On Society"

I agree with this statement because I think people are becoming more dependant on celebrities. I think that many people, especially the younger generation, are copying the things they see the celebrities doing which sadly, is not always a good thing. Some celebrities influence dirty behaviour which can sometimes lead to wrong actions made by young people. People are copying celebrities clothes, actions and behaviour. The media helps promote these celebrities by keeping fans up to date with their day to day lives. Celebrities bring out many emotions in people such as; sadness,joy,anger and even depression. A good example of this would be Justin Bieber and the 'Cut4Bieber' trend. This was a trend that influenced young girls especially to slit their wrists whenever the pain of not being with Justin got too much for them. Unfortunately, this is just one of the many examples of celebrities having too much influence on society. 


  1. Do you have evidence that girls actually slit their wrists?

  2. Yes I do, if you take a look at instagram you can search it in the hashtags if you would like :)

  3. Then you should have been more specific in your original post and this debate would have never existed :)

  4. This is the whole point, this is why it is called Media Debate because you have to agree to disagree :)
