The first key convention that tells the audience that this is an advert is the Lucozade logo on the top right-hand corner. The slogan below ' YES' captures readers attention because it is in capitals and is in bold and displays a positive phrase. The key image on the advert is of the famous athlete Mo Farah. I think they used Mo Farah because he is extremely well known and loved not only for his brilliant sport but also for his generosity when it comes to charities. Mo Farah even owns his own charity, this could play on people's heart strings making them buy the drink in support of Mo. If they see that someone like Mo Farah, who constantly wins his races and receives many medals, drinks Lucozade it will encourage people to drink it as they will believe that it will help them achieve their goals. Using sport superstars like Mo Farah suggests that world class athletes drink Lucozade instead of other competitors sports drinks. The writing used in this advert is written in short sentences and is displayed in bold. This will make the advert stand out opposed to other sport drink adverts where there is a big chunk of writing. The use of short sentences helps make the advert simple but still have a point. Adjectives used in this advert were specifically chosen to emphasize how the drink makes you feel.
The main institution behind this advert is Lucozade, an umbrella name for a series of sports drinks. The words 'Faster, Stronger, For Longer' suggests that they are continuously competing with other brands, we can tell because at the end of every word they have added 'er' which shows that they know how good their competitors are but still believe that they can do it better.
The target audience for this advert is British people aged 13-40. We know this advert is directed at the British public because it says 'For Britain' also because they chose a British Athlete. I think the gender breakdown would be 60% Male and 40% Female. I also think that because Lucozade is around £1.50, this makes the drink available to people of any class.
Mo Farah, a sports superstar, represents this advert. However Mo doesn't represent Lucozade in all its adverts but Lucozade DOES use a consistent theme when picking people to represent their drink. Lucozade mainly uses famous athletes to represent them because they are a sports drink company also because they want to seem more superior to their other competitors. Lucozade is mostly represented by white British male athletes which is a bit odd as there are many extremely talented black males that could represent the brand e.g Usain Bolt. This indicates that Lucozade is definitely targeted at the British public and is not necessarily internationally sold. Lucozade uses males a lot more than they use women. This makes it look like they are saying that men are better than women when it comes to sports, this is where Lucozade's representation could cause controversy.
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