Monday, 29 September 2014
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
Different Camera Shots
This is a medium shot that shows the character from the waist upwards. This shot introduces the character and helps the audience become familiar with him.

This is another medium shot. This shot is wide enough so that the audience can see both characters from the waist upwards.
This wide shot is taken at a high angle so that the audience can see the whole setting clearly and get a feel of what is going on.
This is a two shot that has been chosen to help display the act of violence that occurs in this scene. Here the audience can see both characters emotions.
This shot has been taken at a low angle to show the height of the object where the ongoing fight is taking place. This encourages the audience to start to predict what is going to happen next.
This tilted down shot emphasizes the drastic heights this boy fell from and the placement of the shoe shows how hard he hit the ground.
This over-the-shoulder shot shows the scene from the perspective of the offender. The fact that his face is not visible allows the audience to infer his emotions and facial expressions.
This final shot is a close-up of the offender who has been brought to justice. Here we can clearly see his facial expression and can work out what he is feeling.
The medium close-up angle allows the audience to see the character's emotions.The fact that this is still a close-up helps the audience to engage with the story but still wait in anticipation as the shot doesn't give too much of the story away. The uniform that they are wearing indicates to the audience that these people are of high importance. This builds tension because it helps the audience to realise that these people are after Tom Cruise. The shot is wide enough for the the audience to see the police force in full bulk, this creates a sense of fear because it shows that there are many of them and only one Tom also because large numbers are associated with dominance.

This establishing shot shows a rusty car and what looks to be an abandoned alley way. This shows that Tom has nowhere else to run and is running without thinking about where he is going to go and what he is going to do. Alley ways are associated with darkness and danger this makes us think that something is about to happen and adds suspense to the film. The abandoned scaffolding and choice of lighting used in this shot highlights the fact that the area is unsafe. Alley ways usually lead to a dead end so from this we can then interpret that Cruise is feeling like he is trapped and that he knows that the time will soon come when the authorities catch up to him and inside he knows that his current choice of an escape route is only temporary.

This close-up gives the audience an insight into how Tom is feeling. We can tell from his pessimistic facial expression that he has finally been caught. However, judging by the sneaky look on his face the audience can easily interpret that he is already thinking about new ways to escape, and is quickly devising a devious plan to help pull him away from the clutches of the law. The shot still enables us to see the background, the view of the background reminds the audience where he is and indicates to them that he is not yet free and has not yet managed to escape as he is still trapped in the dark alleyway. This alley way could be a reflection of the way Tom feels at this point in time. He may feel dark, trapped and as if there is no hope for him.
Thursday, 11 September 2014
Fruit Bowl
My fruit bowl theme was an urban palette. I used the colours from the image in the top right hand corner to design my fruit bowl.
Tuesday, 9 September 2014
Advert Analysis

The first key convention that tells the audience that this is an advert is the Lucozade logo on the top right-hand corner. The slogan below ' YES' captures readers attention because it is in capitals and is in bold and displays a positive phrase. The key image on the advert is of the famous athlete Mo Farah. I think they used Mo Farah because he is extremely well known and loved not only for his brilliant sport but also for his generosity when it comes to charities. Mo Farah even owns his own charity, this could play on people's heart strings making them buy the drink in support of Mo. If they see that someone like Mo Farah, who constantly wins his races and receives many medals, drinks Lucozade it will encourage people to drink it as they will believe that it will help them achieve their goals. Using sport superstars like Mo Farah suggests that world class athletes drink Lucozade instead of other competitors sports drinks. The writing used in this advert is written in short sentences and is displayed in bold. This will make the advert stand out opposed to other sport drink adverts where there is a big chunk of writing. The use of short sentences helps make the advert simple but still have a point. Adjectives used in this advert were specifically chosen to emphasize how the drink makes you feel.
The main institution behind this advert is Lucozade, an umbrella name for a series of sports drinks. The words 'Faster, Stronger, For Longer' suggests that they are continuously competing with other brands, we can tell because at the end of every word they have added 'er' which shows that they know how good their competitors are but still believe that they can do it better.
The target audience for this advert is British people aged 13-40. We know this advert is directed at the British public because it says 'For Britain' also because they chose a British Athlete. I think the gender breakdown would be 60% Male and 40% Female. I also think that because Lucozade is around £1.50, this makes the drink available to people of any class.
Mo Farah, a sports superstar, represents this advert. However Mo doesn't represent Lucozade in all its adverts but Lucozade DOES use a consistent theme when picking people to represent their drink. Lucozade mainly uses famous athletes to represent them because they are a sports drink company also because they want to seem more superior to their other competitors. Lucozade is mostly represented by white British male athletes which is a bit odd as there are many extremely talented black males that could represent the brand e.g Usain Bolt. This indicates that Lucozade is definitely targeted at the British public and is not necessarily internationally sold. Lucozade uses males a lot more than they use women. This makes it look like they are saying that men are better than women when it comes to sports, this is where Lucozade's representation could cause controversy.
Thursday, 4 September 2014
Media Debates
"Celebrities Have Too Much Influence On Society"
I agree with this statement because I think people are becoming more dependant on celebrities. I think that many people, especially the younger generation, are copying the things they see the celebrities doing which sadly, is not always a good thing. Some celebrities influence dirty behaviour which can sometimes lead to wrong actions made by young people. People are copying celebrities clothes, actions and behaviour. The media helps promote these celebrities by keeping fans up to date with their day to day lives. Celebrities bring out many emotions in people such as; sadness,joy,anger and even depression. A good example of this would be Justin Bieber and the 'Cut4Bieber' trend. This was a trend that influenced young girls especially to slit their wrists whenever the pain of not being with Justin got too much for them. Unfortunately, this is just one of the many examples of celebrities having too much influence on society.
Monday, 1 September 2014
TV News Research
CBBC Newsround
- Newsround is broadcast on the CBBC Channel
Sky 613// Freeview 70
- Newsround is on every day, the schedule for Newsround is:
7:40am - 5 minutes
8:15am - 5 minutes
4:25pm - 5 minutes
6:55pm - 5 minutes (but not on Fridays)
8:55am - 2 minutes
9:55am - 1 minute
10:55am - 1 minute
11:55am - 5 minutes
1:55pm - 6 minutes
- The Newsround presenters are: Ricky Boleto, Martin Dougan, Ayshah Tull, Jenny Lawrence, Ore Oduba, Helen Skelton and Hayley Cutts
- In 2009 the average viewing figures were 226,000
- Newsround has won numerous awards such as; International Emmy Award for Children&Young People, British Academy Television Rediffusion Star Awards: Harlequin
- The logo for Newsround is a green 'n' and 'r' entwined
- Here is a Newsround episode
- CBBC was launched on the 11th of February 2002
- CBBC is owned by British Forces Broadcasting Service (BFBS)
-CBBC is famous for being a children's television channel
This is the CBBC logo
- Tracy Beaker is one of the popular shows on CBBC
- CBBC used to be called Children's BBC until they found a way to shorten it resulting in CBBC
- CBBC's sister is Cbeebies which is targeted at even younger audiences
The target audience for Newsround are children aged 6-12. I think the gender is 65% - 35% F/M. As this channel is available on freeview I think it is suited to any social class because you don't need to pay to watch it. The level of education doesn't matter because the language is not hard to understand.
30/08/14- Roald Dahl missing chapter found, Smokejumpers battle US forest fires and air guitar championships.
I think the editor chose these stories because as the news channel is aimed at kids and Roald Dahl was an author for kids books, the viewers would be interested to hear about one of the most famous children's books Charlie and The Chocolate Factory also as most of them have read it themselves. I think he chose the smokejumpers because the videos of the people jumping out of the plane will captivate the audience also the images of the brightly coloured dust falling will make the children intrigued to know what its all for. Lastly I think the author chose the air guitar because its a very fun and imaginative thing and watching the contestants race up and down the stage pulling the wildest faces and having fun with an object that isn't actually there will add some humour and a fun vibe to the news and give the kids something to enjoy watching.
31/08/14- EU's warning to Russia over Ukraine, Girl gets accepted into ballet school, Steve Backshall's new TV show and Naughty Swans
I think the editor chose these stories because even though this is a children's news program it is still important they know what is going on in the world around them so the editor might have chosen the EU's warning to Russia news story to help the children stay updated on the more important matters in life. I think the ballet story was chosen because its something some of the audience can relate to also because it will encourage the children to follow their dreams. As the viewers watch newsround in between their scheduled shows, most of them have seen the CBBC show starring Steve Backshall so as well as the editor giving them news about the outside world, he/she is also updating them about the new things happening on CBBC. I think the Swan story was chosen because its a funny story and the videos of swans biting people's bums will make the kids laugh and keep them interested and also ends the Newsround on a good note.
01/09/2014- Too Much Red Meat, Football Transfers, Andy Murray, Eruptions on Sun, Strictly Come Dancing Line-Up and Chitbatman
I think the editor chose Too Much Red Meat because kids like eating junk food such as burgers so news like this will keep them tuned because it relates to them. As many people are following the football and the tennis its good that they can keep informed about it on Newsround, proving that Newsround can also handle sports news and that they cover all types of news. I think the Eruption On Sun was chosen to help calm people down because kids get scared easily and in the article it mentions that the eruptions are not headed towards earth, this will help to put children's minds at ease. Strictly come dancing is a popular topic at the moment so audiences will want to hear about it and their favourite celebrities that will be featured in it. Chitbatman lightens the mood and helps show there is always good in the world, this once again ends Newsround on a good note.
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