Wednesday, 20 May 2015

News Values Blog Task


The Nepal Earthquake was a tragedy that fits many of the values but most importantly negativity. Any major international tragedy where a large number of people lose their lives is likely to become a huge news story. This is because this particular broadcast consists of natural disasters, death, tragedy which intrigues audiences and therefore is rated above 'positive news' (royal weddings etc.)

Closeness to Home

The London Riots was a story very close to the residents of the UK. As the violence and rioting continued to spread and rain havoc on the city day after day, audiences were intrigued to find out what was happening. News stories such as this that hit close to home because they affect the country that it is broadcasted in.


9/11 was a tragedy that was caught on camera the moment it happened as during the actual broadcast another plane had hit the tower allowing the news crew to capture it all on tape. This is an excellent example of breaking news and immediacy as this broadcast was live and audiences could witness the event unfold. Reporters were able to report on the situation in depth and immediately having witnessed the event.

A plane crash is simple and easy to understand as there are no two ways about the story, the plane has crashed and that is a fact. This topic still contains other conventions such as negativity and tragedy but is very easy to understand as the story line is quite blunt therefore it is best suited to simplicity.


Ebola was an unforgettable story purely because of how quickly it spread. The current generation had never experienced anything like it making it an extremely unique story as with all the medical precautions and new medicines, outbreaks such as this were rare.

Elite nations or people
The protests and riots in Baltimore quickly gained media coverage as Baltimore is a city in America which is a very well-known country and the protests and riots were linked to recent news stories which were also well known. America is an elite country so any important news over there would be  broadcasted and would be quick to pick up viewings.

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